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Jo’s Scents

Certified Consultant


My Story

I had seen a friend posting on Facebook about Scentsy; again & again, well eventually I had a nosey.

Wow SAFE wax!!! I have 3 lively Grandchildren living in my house so the fact that I could use wax that is safe to use around children was fantastic.

I sat on the fence for quite a while, then decided to message my friend.

Well she gave me some information & a link to join.
SO I took the plunge, without really knowing what I was getting into.

Waited patiently for my joining kit......... WOW! As soon as I looked at the products & I; opened the bars I was in love .

That was in April 2017; I am still loving it. I love seeing the reactions of people's faces when they get to experience Scentsy ..........

. I STILL love the products. I often get people say "Yes but how can I justify the cost"; Well let me tell you. I"ve bought the gorgeous £1 wax melts. They are lovely.

BUT they"re not as safe as Scentsy. I spilled some wax on myself accidentally, it was WARM! Not hot. It solidifies as soon as it hits a surface other than the warmer bowl.

The scent lasts!

The warmers & diffusers come with a lifetime warranty! I recently had a customer who's Goldsmith Warmer stopped working...... It was replaced within 10 days. Scentsy even paid the return shipping!

Last but not least Scentsy is a fantastic company to work for. It's not all about making your employees Earn as much as possible.for the company......... They do actually care about us. So much so they offer fabulous incentive trips.

If you think you could be a Consultant give me a shout. Let;s chat.
To be fair Scentsy does actually sell itself

My Favourite Scents